771.1863.We miss her not because we see
(Possessive pronoun, it’s, corrected in Line 3. ED’s alternative words used in Lines 4, 5, 8.)
We miss Her, not because We see –
The Absence of an Eye –
Except (its) Mind accompany
(Deprive) Society
As slightly as the (Flights) of Stars –
Ourselves – asleep below –
We know that their superior Eyes
(Convey Us -) – as they go –
An interpretation:
We miss Her not because we notice the absence of her Eye (Body), but because her death has deprived Society of her Mind (Soul).
We miss her Eye (body) as slightly as the Flights of Stars passing overhead while we sleep. We know that their superior Eyes convey our souls (Minds) as they go.
This poem (F771) is probably about Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), ED’s favorite poet.